Tech Bulletin: Patch for DOS 3.2 XCOPY to run on NetWare NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Patch for DOS 3.2 XCOPY to run on NetWare DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.172 DATE: 1/26/87 PRODUCT: NA PRODUCT VERSION: NA SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM The XCOPY.EXE file available with DOS 3.2 sometimes fails to copy network files and prints garbage characters on the screen. The patch process described below will fix the problem. If you make a mistake, simply start the procedure again. 1. Copy XCOPY.EXE onto a diskette and rename it to XCOPY.NEW. 2. Place your DOS utility diskette containing DEBUG.COM in drive A and the diskette containing the XCOPY.NEW file in drive B, type the following command line, and press the Enter key: A:DEBUG B:XCOPY.NEW 3. The DEBUG prompt "-" will appear. 4. Now, enable the DEBUG assembler at address "1C41" by typing "A 1C41" at the DEBUG prompt in the following way: -A 1C41 5. After the above command is entered by pressing the Enter key, the following segment and offset address will appear (xxxx represents the segment and will differ depending on the machine in use): xxxx:1C41 6. Now, on the same line, type the first assembly instruction "JB 1C45" so that the line looks like the following: xxxx:1C41 JB 1C45 7. Press the Enter key and the next segment and offset address "1C43" will appear like the following: xxxx:1C43 8. You will need to type 10 more assembly language instructions (11 total). Type the instructions as they appear in the following list and press the Enter key after each instruction. The first instruction has already been entered. Assembly Language Instruction List xxxx:1C41 JB 1C45 xxxx:1C43 JMP 1C99 xxxx:1C45 CALL 1C9A xxxx:1C48 JB 1C7B xxxx:1C4A PUSH ES xxxx:1C4B PUSH DS xxxx:1C4C PUSH DX xxxx:1C4D MOV AH,2F xxxx:1C4F INT 21 xxxx:1C51 ES: xxxx:1C52 MOV DS, [01AE] (In the above section "[01AE]", the "0" is a zero.) 9. When the "xxxx:1C56" segment and offset appear, type the Enter key and the Debug "-" prompt will appear again. 10. Now, enable Debug's editing feature at the offset "1F1B" in the following way: -E 1F1B 11. Press the Enter key and the following segment, offset, and byte value will appear. xxxx:1F1B 6A. 12. The value "6A" must be replaced with the value "06" by typing "06" on the same line and pressing the SPACE BAR to enter the value. xxxx:1F1B 6A.06 13. The next value "0D" will appear on the same line. xxxx:1F1B 6A.06 0D. 14. The value "0D" must now be replaced with "00" by typing "00" on the same line. xxxx:1F1B 6A.06 0D.00 15. Press the Enter key to return to the Debug prompt "-". 16. Type "W" and press the Enter key to copy the new byte values and instructions to the XCOPY.NEW file. The following message will appear: WRITING 2BC0 BYTES 18. Now, type "Q" to exit DEBUG and then press the Enter key. 19. The patch is now complete. The patched file XCOPY.NEW must now be renamed to XCOPY.EXE.